Monday, March 30, 2009
I’m back from chalet. Celebrating Yen’s Birthday (:
Not going to say much, I’m kind of tired...dots TMR still having lesson OMDFG!
I will talk about the things happen at chalet on the other days, just a short post AND sorry to those who Text/Called me I couldn't Reply/Answer to any of you, because my phone ran out of battery -.-“ swt.
Alright that’s all... LOL
Friday, March 27, 2009
Those who are dead are dead. If we bring them back to life, they’ll just get in the way of the next generation, right? (: People do die someday ... (Found this sentence somewhere in my animation. Thinking that maybe is true, cause everyone given a chance to live in this world and create their own History...)
Yesterday ...gan mei accompany me the whole night chit chatting about some stuff here and there, but ended up more like me accompany her watching dramas on the web -.- and watch. She fell asleep, because I was sitting just beside her and she was like sleeping on my shoulder till the next day morning, my shoulder was like OMDFG... cannot say numb or what but “ouch” very de suan ar... (Broken singlish, I’m sorry about that). Oh, yesterday when was chatting with her. I asked her about “love thingy”, do you think love is childish? She answered me saying that, “Love is a pure feeling... no right or wrong, no childish or mature, don’t really need a reason because just by feeling you can tell.” To be true, she was right you know? maybe for me I still might think that is too early to have another relationship again...Perhaps I’m not a good person who can handle relationship well I assume that myself, other then treat girls good that’s all... -.-
Well, this morning woke up at 6am and went for Bio lesson at Red hill. While my gan mei heading over to her secondary school at Bukit Batok so was like taking the same train. Today my bio teacher makes a joke out of herself... I was laughing my ass out LOL =X because there this once she was saying “Show Your Formula As” but she used her slang~ make it sounds like “Show Your Mum Ass”. Duh, I myself was like “HUH? My mum ass???” LOL freaking cute.
Before I end today entry. Here a song for everyone, that was send by my friend so got to say thanks to her. It was by "By2" Singapore singer, well not bad(: you guys can try listening to it.
Dont Go Away - BY2If you guys want it can get it from me(: Just msn me, if I'm online if not you guys can go to Megaupload etc. and Download it. Enjoy-
Alright I think that should be all, now just got to relax and going out soon(3days break). Gan mei by now should be at home too. Alright got to go watch my anime (:
Cya guys.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Just got back from school, super tired... -.-"swt
Not going talk bout school today... not in the mood to post anw~
Yesterday one of my xiao mei, just pass by to have some problem with her family... yeah whatever the problem was, I don't think is a need for me to know...
So yesterday she was staying over my house, perhaps she will be staying for 2 days or more maybe not sure -.-... Parents currently not at home (Oversea).
Today after lesson at DG. Went to Causeway Point bought dinner and snacks for her, since she haven't eaten anything. Still called me and said she lazy to cook Maggie at home dots...
I'm really tired of some people seriously, anything you can just tell in front of me right? rather then you go around telling my gan jie. Seriously I'm super pissed not at you, BUT why can't you just said in front of me? then just send a msg "oh Ok"... I'm Andy NOT GOD~ don't expect me to know every single things alright?. Forget it anyway- Misunderstood over one small thing. The only thing I will say now is! The only relationship Me and Her is only Brother and Sister alright? If you really insist of not believing it I'm fine with it!..
That's all I'm going to rest..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So on whatever... -.-" swt.
OMDFG this morning, I took my medicine and made me felt so sleepy~
Met up with Ching Hong and study whole day till 6.15pm -.- *I was sleeping in class =X and it was FREAKING cold, I totally forgot about my JACKET~! LAO...
Nothing much, was sleeping so yeah- till my English lesson. Teacher was teaching crap totally... -.- But her lesson was interesting, kind of funny thou cause she like to joke alot so... still ok with it (:
I think my class got new students? perhaps maybe? ermmm... Cause when I was sleeping, other then that idiot Ching Hong keep disturb me~ BEHIND there this two GIRLs reading dame loud like? FUCK! *MARKET. Can't even sleep at all " -.- " For GOODNESS SAKE MY BOTH EYES WERE LIKE getting smaller n smaller.
Just woke up anyway(: Remind me of something. Dose any of my Friends here having "Ornithophobia"? especially for man to have this kind of sickness. I wonder, will you cut away your bird? In case you are afraid of "That Bird" too. LOL -.-
Alright just kidding anyway its lame...hahhas
That should be all...
Cya, BYE.
Monday, March 23, 2009
History neither can be Erase nor Change.
You can either choose to Pretend or Move on(:
Yesterday, was chatting on phone with Jiaxin, HuiYin and Rachel... but in the end~ left me and Rachel. Freaking hell la! I was like "ehhhhhhh" O.o?! jialat. LOL don't no how to start a subject with her =X ~
and she was like asking me to accompany her till morning, since it was already 3am plus...
This morning hell I slept like a PIG... woke up around 1pm in the noon, after that went over to find Rachel, accompany her home from school nothing much (: *don't think too far... -.-
Later, late night maybe going over to 515... MAYBE bah. Tmr having lesson so not going to stay out till so late at night.
That should be all... Cya.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Did your guys get to see yesterday sky?
It was orange/red in colour LOL...

Glad my friend, Shawn manage to take some pictures of it and I asked him to send me..(:
LOL there was a rainbow at his house from that view, too bad I wasn't able too see it from my here...

Closer view. hahhas
Just now... went over to 515 with Fabian and Shawn, ate our supper over there after that walk over to a void deck and chat untill 5.30am.
Guess what?.
It started raining this morning ... crap, I was like freezing like hell. For those who will there with me, my teeth was like " keeekeeekeee " -.-"swt.
Going see doctor later on.. maybe LOL cause I had been sick over a week already not feeling any better but worse =X Yeah, see me keep go out should know why le bah..LOL Some more today I caught myself in the rain again SUAY-~
Now is 6.24am going to rest, so cya...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hey guys, I'm not feeling any better still... Now my mood is just alright for me to go on day by day.(:
Not going to post much, did my English homework. It was like "HELL YEAH!" I spent almost half a day on my composition -.- it was like 10am to 7pm?! I going have a good rest later on, after sharing with you guys new songs LOL!
It was from Boys Before Flower, Korean drama.
05 어떡하죠 - 지선 (Jisun) - Jisun05.어떡하죠 - 지선(Jisun)
나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad ver.) - 티맥스(T-Max)나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad ver.) - 티맥스(T-Max)
나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance ver.) - 티맥스(T-Max)나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance ver.) - 티맥스(T-Max)
This 3 songs you guys can get it from me(: Just msn me alright? hahahs
Nothing much le, just going to rest now...cya
No Music, No Dream."

Detroit Metal City.
Today I'm lazy, making those "extra comment" lol. So just gonna start with the post...(:
Went over to Joshua's house and slept for 3 hours LOL, cause I overslept today for my lesson at BMC.DG ~ so was like...... OMDFG I missed my POA & Pure/GEO. ):LAO!
8pm. went down to Causeway Point meet up with a group of friends(: and head over to Yishun's Golden Village. Watching Detroit Metal City, thou it was a Death Metal show but you guys should watch it- DAME FUNNY! I laughed my ass out in the cinema =X hahas

The dog, it was being kind enough to sit down there and listen to his song (: hahahs
This show has the meaning there. Don't think it just all about Death Metal, BUT how he ended up in this band called Detroit Metal City (D.M.C.) Not going say much yeah.. (: watch with your friends I'm sure your will like it. lol
Later on, went over to 515 and have a drink over there... hahas was slacking over there till 1am..

This four guys were trying to be "someone" =X hahahs and they were good at acting LOL! so cute of them....
and Joshua... LOL I think his soul flew away LOL! HALF DEAD ZOMBIE~ hahahs.
Alright, I'm going sleep le. Tmr having lesson at Red Hill, 9am -.-"swt.
That should be all (: *extra comment will be back soon xD when I'm free hahahs.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
God, Jesus's Father.(Do you really have to say out Jesus's family?!LOL!) I just got my ass home, freaking tired this few weeks -.-" swt.
Trying to finish up my composition, as yesterday I was saying that I'm lack of ideas and I did took some ideas from the Newspapers.(: (This boy, so hardworking =X!)
Anw, people might thought I'm talking to myself but yeah, the comment "thingy" I did it on purpose, just for fun (: Don't worry about it... I'm not that crazy talking to myself..LOL (why do you have to drag me in?!.. RAHHHHH).
Today, woke up around 1.20pm(WahO.o?, PIG?!hahas). Dame! my medicine, make me super duper sleepy. -.- Went down to meet up with Jiaxin and the other guys then head over to Basketball court..
Jiaxin was like asking me, " why your eyes like " -- "? ". Really super tired can? I wish I can sleep even longer, since today I don't have to attend any lesson... (awww..SO GOOD?.LOL) She told me, " why don't you stay home and rest? " and I replied, " cause you asked me to accompany you guys on Wednesday and I said ok? ". Not going to take back my words for sure, so die also go only (: and I'm not in the mood, since yesterday came back from school till then... STILL got some idiots trying to test my anger?. Tell your this(: I'm alright now, since then I had control my anger quit well, as soon as you know when I'm with Kaile that time. She really changed me alot, just by her telling me. (: But in the end things got worse and ended up she still my good buddy thou.. (awww SAD, LOL pity you?.hahas)
Alright, let us don't talk about it. That was in the past anw (:
Yup. That is all for today (: take care guys? and don't get sick cause it really SUCK to the CORE.!(Ok!. So caring hahahs =X)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thank God, JESUS!(Yesterday, was mother Mary lol.)I just got my ass home...(LOL, is like who give the fuck about it?! just start with your dame post for today.) hahas, alright -.-"
Continue from yesterday. Went down to Causeway Point bought 4 T-shirts and ended up Over Spent my money. swt (ORHBI, HAHAHs) lame. whatever ok?!
Today, went to school for my, 3 HOURs OF MATHs In the morning, 1Hour & 30Mins Of Chemistry and Back with 3 HOURs OF ENGLISH. -.-? For some information* I didn't even get more then an Hour of sleep last night. Lao. No Choice I got to finish up my Chemistry Chapter ): SO...(awww, Poor Boy. Study so hard... lol)
Later on, as for homework. Composition, between 350 and 500 words. OMDFG?! To be true, I can't even write more then 250 words so ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Hell, going to check on Newspapers and stuff like this, to get some ideas for my Composition.

Guess what?. Alan choo FINALLY! came to school today.(LOL, Surprising he don't have headache today.)
Took one random picture, when I was having break time.

Whatever, My paper was blank... LOL actually, I need to finish up my composition within a time limit. But Im lack of Ideas, so was like took it home and finish up bah. Hahahs
Nothing much, just going end with this. (: (awww, don't stop posting?! lol)
Going bath and start doing my Composition...(Eeehhh? Er xin?. You haven't even bath?.hahahs)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hey guys, guess what I'm back with my new blog -.-.
Cool huh?/
Anyway this going be a long long long long~ whatever la ....
Yeah, let us not talk about the past long months that was happening to me, cut it short. (:
I had changed.
Right now, studying in Private GCE O level. at BMC " Big Money Cheater " lol. just kidding...
Aiming for NAFA art school O.o as I said before in my old blog (: well DELETE already la! don't even give a DAME about it duh... WHATEVER. LOL
hmm let start with Yesterday then...
Went to IT. Show For the second time with Joshua and Shawn, still didn't bought anything at all. Just have to say went there to see friends working and look around only. OMDFG, First thing happen when we reached City Link... " HUMAN JAM " thanks to some idiots don't know what the fuck they doing. Taking photo? in the middle of whatever -.-" Maybe me and my two friends too handsome =x LOL.. alright very BHB. hahas..
Finally after few mins of @&%^%&!^#&@$!!! we got our asses out of City Link "Thank GOD, Mother Mary" lol. After that Shawn bought his MicroSuck's Keyboard and Joshua bought his Logitech's mouse, both of course were expensive. As for me I bought nothing.. LOL so sad...
After that, said : "Hi" to Ye Hui at ViewSonic as he was working over there, since we will at levels 6th. Went down to 4th levels to find our poor little kang sai kang )': (Tears of Joy). Poor Melvin, He worked for 4 days and wasn't that easy... JUST BY LOOKING AT THE CROWD AT 4th FLOOR .....OMDFG! lol But the pay was good and reasonable enough (:
Ya, by saying that word " Tears Of Joy " remind me of that Shawn -.-". There this once we need to cross the dame freaking road and it was raining.. so I was like...
Me: "Shawn, later I kana car accident, how?"
Shawn: " awww, don't worry I cry for you..." After a few second " with the Tears of Joy "
WTH man, pity me abit la very sad lei ): LOL ...
Too bad, yesterday we were too tired so went home and rest.. Joshua went ahead of us first, cause his dad brought him to family dinner... so yeah (: Me and Shawn went back to City Link on the way back to MRT station.. and saw Yong Wei, rushing home just to play his balls LOL no lah. He on the way back to meet his friends and play Basketball. Aiyah also same la both also Ball...
Oh ya, before I forget about this. There was this guy(Uncle Type) watching Porn in the train using his Ipod -.-... Shawn told me to look over my right hand side and I saw it, was like WTF la at home cannot watch meh?! public lei, LAO... and he was like looking left and right... thought that no one can see what he was doing -.-.. lame shit.
Well at last reached home.
Next will be this morning I order MAC for breakfast.. ok whatever no one even care about it. What I order at home...
Thats all actually I got more to say but later..
Now need head over to shop for T-Shirt with my step Mum (: