Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yoh just got my ass back from Douby Gaut, did you guys miss me? yeah right? hahas kidding.
Nothing much was playing Aion online with my friends this past few days so didn't have the time to post an entry, Sorry~ hahas(:
Alright, today went to school with Ching Hong only too bad Alan didn't turn up again and that Ching Hong keep disturbing me as usual when I was sleeping -.- swt"
After that during Science lesson I was awake, the girl at the back was like "Ehhh, never sleep liao ar?" LOL duh? I slept more then enough already man. She was like "oh, so you prefer to sleep on the table then bed la? everyday come school sleep LOL" ... Dots, I'm kind of tired ok? didn't even get enough sleep last night
AND I'm sorry Rachel, I spend too much time on games then you this few weeks, I know you understand much but yet I still have to say I'm SORRY to you.(:
Tmr meeting JieJie maybe asking her for credit card, need to get some things at online shopping which need to use credit payment... After that meeting Rachel, hope she tmr don't give me black face. hahahs -.-
Alright, got to go...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrating (Ben&Jerry) anniversary (: WOOT HOO *FREE ICE CREAM (No Limit) 12pm to 7pm.
-All you need to do is "Q" and the "Q" at The Cathay was like from second floor all the way up to Fourth floor... cool huh? But don't worry within 15mins you can get your Ice Cream already hahhas.
This morning, Big Sister drove me all the way to KK Hospital... Oh my, I'm very sad alright? Because my height was like only 170... Weight 52... LAO that time got once I took my height was like 174, why now go Hospital took again become 170... =.= swt"
After that was my check up, doctor said MY KIDNEY IS FINE NOW BUT I STILL NEED TO WATCH ON MY HEALTH though... and I'm changing hospital next year to "Adult" side YESH!!! I don't need go to "Woman and Children" side already hahahs...
At School today... Sci was bored as usual, can't even understand a single words when the teacher was teaching swt". As for English lesson, teacher called my name more then twice because I was sleeping in her class LOL keep on "ANDY ar ANDY~ ANDY ar ANDY~" my classmates was like keep laughing la LOL. I know my name very nice don't need to keep on call one hahahs, that's what I replied my teacher and she gave me a funny face zZz Whatever...
Now I'm freaking tired and sleepy... but have alot fun though too bad Alan choo go off to early, he having Basketball Match anw... " ALL THE BEST " hahahs (: *Don't say I bad keep curse you lose just now hahahs just kidding only.
Changed my blog song, although it does not suit my blog but well just for the time being while I'm still finding for nice english songs...(:
"ANDY is not a crime"
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ok short entry today, (:
At noon went to play basketball with the usual guys hahahs and today I got hit by the ball 2 times, reason because I was day dreaming -.- swt"... and the girls at the side was like "Orch" LOL. I haven't even said "orch" they said for me already zZz... Glad was I didn't get bruise on my face hahahs... I know Samuel don't mean to hit me one, Hope so la hor? LOL no lah just kidding, blame myself for day dreaming.
Tmr having lesson but before that Big sis bring me to hospital for check up... so resting soon hahahs.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Woot Bugis was dame HOT today~
Well went to Bugis with Melvin, Shawn, Yong wei & Isabel... they went over there to shop for T-shirts & Short pants. hahs
Saturday didn't went to orchard along with them, since they were watching movie and I got to save money so not going spend much too bad miss out the fun hahas... But I did went over to MeiYi's house and slack -.- since her house near Evergreen Secondary School LOL... and no one prepare dinner (yeah it always been like that though, who cares...) so I went over to MeiYi there and asked her to cook for me Maggie, anyway thanks her for that... hahas
After that went over to Fabian's church at 11p.m. like that if I'm not wrong, wanted to eat my supper lol... they will having so called "disco party" over there and it was like LOL Joash was over there too, don't know doing what? hong girls ~ maybe? LOL...
Yeah whatever I'm tired anw so going bed soon... just now Huiyin si bei boh liao can? Suddenly text me " am I good enough to be your wife?" FUCK!!! Play also don't suddenly send this kind of weird msg can?~ I stun there for a few minutes and don't know what to reply- Later Rachel see, you want I die is it?. Later she think me and you got what how?... don't "saboh" me PLEASE- LOL and I know whose idea was that to play this kind of prank msg, only one idoit like her will ask you to do this -.- so please ar, ANDY "TOR LONG TOR LONG" don't hai me and her fight again.~
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Back from Tampines 1. OMDFG I'm so tired till I even slept at my friend's house today -.- swt"...
This morning didn't turn up for lesson cause I overslept till 8a.m. plus... Actually wanted to go for Pure Geo lesson but since Alan had to go down to Tan Tock Seng Hospital to take his medicine first, by the time we won't even make it for our Pure Geo lesson already so must well forget about it(Just For Today).
This two days did not manage to meet up with Rachel, maybe tmr...
anw just now went over to Shawn's house and watched "Final Fantasy 13 demo" n "Final Fantasy advent children(complete)". The movie was way too awesome and the Demo for Final Fantasy 13 rocks, although I dislike playing games.
Yeah whatever it is, I'm freaking tired right now... ahahahs
OhOh need thanks Joshua n Shawn for helping me with "Aion Beta" too bad the beta last for a few days and you got to pay for it in order to play. Somemore you are just paying for the Beta only... so was like LOL.
Ok got to go.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I'm so tired over everything, can't I just let it go? whatever...
Currently waiting for my "Aion Beta Client" but sad thing was, my torrent was too slow...so not going play already...since the beta only last 2 to 3 weeks. Won't be sad though cause not into games and so on... just wanted to tag up with friends and try. Too bad torrent wasn't fast enough hahas
Now going rest early... tmr having lesson at DG. cya
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This morning woke up at 4am OMDFG, need go "pai pai" hais... so tired still need go all the way down to Cemetery. Do you know how cold it was this morning? For god dame goodness sake I caught a cold again -.- swt".
Alright nothing much to post for today but there is this song for you guys.
09. 強辯 aka Qing Bian & 任容萱 aka Kirsten Ren - 小心願 aka Xiao Xin Yuan (Small Wish) - Kirsten Ren, Selina's sister sang this song.(: Her voice totally same as Selina...LOL.
Alright going out soon maybe? Since tmr no school hahahs
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hey guys I'm back...
Went to watch two awesome movies Hehehe.

Fast And Furious 4
I love the cars but the racing scene too little ): Sad~ LOL anw it was great HAHAs
and the second movie was "The Unborn" (this movie I got alot to talk about)

Went with a big group of people, Me, My Friends, My Jie Jie and her friends... My Jie Jie keep staring at me and Rachel LOL ... so you know kind of funny over there hahahs...
Jia Xin SHOUT the loudest in the Cinema HAHAHS! But to be true I "Tio Chua" about 2 to 3 times and my Jie Jie hugging her friend~ VERY LES CAN?...
This MOVIE seriously must watch...! Trust me (: Very funny is when people shout, but still a scary movie since it already said "Horror" -.- swt".
After the movie not that big group already though... Heng, my sister and her friends all got cars, free ride hahahs. (: Seriously was fun over there hahas... Rachel whole day talking to Jia xin they all sia... )': throw me alone LOL! no wonder I so emo LOL kidding~
Alright that is all for today entry, going out later. Maybe? O.O
Chill~ hahas still had alot of places to hang out with alot friends...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
OMDFG I was caught by my friends yesterday LOL... anw is ok hahhas, soon or later you guys will know.(: But seriously... she not yet even my stead! -.- swt"
I'm dame freaking tired and I'm sick again, lao~ wanted to meet Rachel for dinner today. Too bad she had reached home and kind of tired, so forget about it.(: Nevermind tmr still will be meeting her hahahs...
My common test score was very bad though it won't affect my GCE O level exam... BUT still~ -.- My sister going to kill me as soon as she know my first result LOL! ANDY YOU ARE SO DEAD~ PRAY HARD DUDE!- Hahahs
Alright studying soon... Cya
Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Shinjuku Incident (2009)

Fan Bingbing, LOL pretty?
Just got my ass home, went to Cathay Orchard and watched The Shinjuku Incident with Mao, Fish, Shua, Fab, Shawn and Jo...anw it worth watching(: so you guys can go and watch this Movie but too bad is NC16.
Base on true story...
In the early 1990's, a tractor mechanic from China nicknamed Steelhead illegally enters Japan to search for his girlfriend. To make ends meet, he joins his friend in Shinjuku in doing menial labour. Steelhead finds out that his girlfriend has married Eguchi, a Japanese Yakuza leader. Steelhead decides to stay on in Japan and work for Eguchi as a hitman. Soon, Steelhead gets used to the power and finds himself embroiled so deeply in the ways of the underworld that there is no turning back.
Yeah and this sentence happen to appear in the movie "Brothers are more important then your beloved" LOL shit that person! remind me about that incident happen in the past -.-"swt
Alright so whatever... next is my common test coming up, so going rest early (:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hi guys, Happy April's Fool ~
THIS WEEK was like super busy also can -.-"swt.
LAST WEEK- went over to chalet...
Monday, came back from chalet, next day having lesson till 8pm.
Tuesday, whole day at school ~ -.-
Wednesday(which is today), going out later.
Thursday, lesson start at 9am end at 3pm.
Friday, lesson start at 9am end at 10.30am @(REDHILL). Going out with friends watching "The Shinjuku Incident" (yeah, I was like trying to push it to Thursday so hope everything go smooth...)
AND.....HERE GOES MY 3 DAYs BREAK again- but COMMON TEST coming, 6th of April.(ALL THE BEST TO ME)(:
My sister was like telling me "Look at yourself? 17years old liao, Still don't know how to take care of your own? always go out go out~ Fall sick how? and don't forget that you just recovered not long...blablabla" LOL.
Then she will say her same OLD WORDs "Don't always make me worry for you lah, xiao di~ Big liao, take care of yourself please" lao. (make me guilty only)
Alright, at chalet as I said there alot things happen but not really going type one whole composition. But surprising that Rachel was there in the chalet too -.- Dots.
JiaXin, she was like telling me before hand when I was taking cab down~ On Phone "Xiao, Later you will be surprise that your wife is here." I was like "HUH? who..." and I thought was KaiLe, but when I reached there... so the "wife" she was talking about was Rachel -.-" I thought who... LOL why NOT BoA hahahs (Kidding).
Alright should be all...