Monday, June 29, 2009
Yoh, lol guys this few days do take care of yourself (: don't tio H1N1 ar... hahhas Hope this year don't have any of my friends die =X *TOUCH WOOD
Thinking the whole night, I finally feel like reading the WHOLE HISTORY of this world... JOKER? well, you think I must be abit lame or what... BUT WHATEVER, I'm a person who don't care what people say and said because I, myself only listen to words I said to myself and do what I want, Who the hell this people got the right to tell me what to do and not to do right? (:
I'm going to start with History of ancient Egypt...kind of cool huh? actually just a study to me because rather then I at home do nothing I can spend time on learning history which is FUN you know? hahhas... Of course, I'm not going to be a history teller or whatever but just a interest in reading it you know? hahhas I still prefer a life with music (: and that's going to rock hahhas...
all I wish now is after army, everything stable... going get my ass fuck off Singapore and learn everything from the start in other country e.g. US (:
well, Money is a problem... If you study very hard actually money is not a problem at all... OLD WORDs " MONEY DOES NOT STOP A PERSON FROM HIS/HER DREAMs "
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hey guys, just woke up LOL is 4.30pm now...

Woot Yesterday went to watch Transformer 2, so far Transformer 2 is the BEST action movie I had watched in 2009 super cool hahahs...

This two FUNNY Little guys (: hahas

Hot Pictures Of Megan FOX, oh my god she is so HOT hahas xD...
Ok that's the end of my post going eat my Breakfast+Lunch LOL....
Friday, June 26, 2009
Woot just got my ass back from Vivo city...
Watched two movies today with my gan jie,

“Drag Me To Hell”

& “Ghosts of girlfriends past"...
First, Drag Me To Hell is a nice movie BUT I hate to say this.... It SUCKs or Kind Of Lame... Because is totally not the girl fault not to help that old lady...and she cursed her for not helping dots... This is just her job loh, she not the manager also.

There this that BITCH Old LADY LOL... cute face she got there? hahahs
Second, Ghosts of girlfriends past make me more sian LOL is all about love story -.- but kind of funny though... my gan jie was like telling me don't flirt like that main character LOL If not, bad things will happen one day... Ya craps, I'm not flirt ok hhahas...
Ok is 12.09 am now, later going watch Transformer 2 HOHO! can't wait LOL... Parents not at home!(SiBei SONG)just why I'm so free and oh ya a sad NEWs I got from my friend today, that is Michael Jackson's sudden death. Sad though... The King Of Pops just die like that...(May God Be With Him) well, human just gonna die one day(: alright that should be all... waiting for my K.O.3guo.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 25th 2009... 9.25pm. Xiao is back (: hahahs
Well, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER (: LOL- Not fully recover yet, but all I know is I finally can go out *AtLAST!... STRESS tio HOME sick last week =X HAHAHs stay at home for a week was like HELL to me OK?.
HEHEHE Tmr going watch (Drag Me To Hell) with my gan jie and Saturday, going watch Transformers with secondary friends Buhahahahs ... Enjoy this whole week ^^
Ok, that should be all I'm going off BYE.
Friday, June 19, 2009
8.11pm well, I'm still sick =X Yesterday just went to see doctor again -.- OH FUCK!...
Ok i just got my O level Entry Proof... going Marsiling Secondary School to take my O level examination -.- SUAY zZz tio until that SCHOOL lol... Kidding =X
From 22 Oct 2009 - 11 Nov 2009 ... Examination Period! Good Luck Dude -.-
This few days at home playing Maple Story Episode 2 with my friends... Craps! everybody was like choinging their NEW JOBs, since I got nothing to do other then watching my Dramas so I play along with them...
New Jobs name kind of cool you know?
-Soul Master
-Flame Wizard
-Wind Breaker
-Night Walker
and ah Sam that Cheey Bye LOL! Cr8 one guild cannot cr8 hao hao one, what *PaiKia -.-" wah lao wei ... I know you very "zai" la don't need to be so fierce one =X LOL!
Ok, I'm going bed... going wake up at midnight then play along with them... didn't eat well this few days because of SICK... hais SUCKs.......
ok BYE
Thursday, June 18, 2009
yoh is 4a.m. in the morning, well feel like going back school later on for my P.O.A. & Geo... but still not feeling well, actually feeling abit better... worse to worse keep vomiting ... -.-" hais.....
Staying at home kills me, hang I'm still able to contact with my friends... They brought some DVD movies and let me watch, since I'm kind of sian alone so asked them to pass it to me, unable to go out SUCKs to the CORE...!!!
Well, anw I'm going stick with my V3x(dont know how many "i" behind) for another 2years... LOL since my 4th sis need a new phone and my is ok(: wait untill if my really spoil then maybe i'll go get a new one, but for the time being continue using my V3x(dont know how many "i" behind) bah...
Thanks to those people who asked me to take care(: well, after this break I'm so going to watch "DRAG ME TO HELL" n up coming " Transformer" (: ... You be seeing me eating alot and enjoy alot after this "HELL" thingy is over....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hey guys, now is 2.25am... still awake hahas couldn't sleep because of my bad cough and flu...
Went to see doctor this morning, well actually wanted to go school since not feeling well and cough till si bei jialat so boh bian loh... also lan lan.
After that took my medicine and slept for the whole noon.... wake up super giddy hais. Doctor give me 3 days break, still thinking of going out play LOL =X just kidding hahas
My grandma is so going to kill me man LOL... and my sis of course -.-" sian I myself also don't know how did the hell I got sick. Just going to rest for the time being.
Wish me good luck don't get H1N1 =X lol just kidding... If I die later alot of girls cry HAHAHs LOL okok just joking hahahas!!...
Okay, I'm going back to watch my Dramas... here some intro (K.O.3anguo, Black & White and ToGetHer.) (: enjoy
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yeah guys, miss me? hahas it has been awhile since my last update... sorry bout that.
Alright, I'm sorry to say i need to study more and more again because 2 more months is my Prelims after that is my O levels.
Ok... don't stress myself yet, well..... I'm going to watch "
Drag Me To Hell (2009)" still finding friends to watch with maybe going with my secondary school friends, going ask them so not sure.
I just got back from school, super tired I'm going rest.