Tuesday, July 28, 2009
9.47am @ Home, going back school later.
Yesterday, skipped classes for Monday because Grandma got discharged from the hospital...
After sending her home, I, my 2nd sister and her friends went down to Orchard play pool... Finally I can rest for now, O’levels examination coming soon in 2months time.
Got a lot of Anime & Dramas to watch... Since I was too busy pass few days, worrying about my grandma’s sickness.
Alright, got to go school now if not I’m gonna be late...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
6:51 am @ HOME.
Finally I reached home around 10 am yesterday... and went to the hospital again around 4pm. Reached home around 11pm because I was dame hungry and I totally forgot about sleepiness.
Ok, same old thing. Going back to hospital later, my grandma was like asking me:” you everyday come to the hospital not busy?” And I was like “won’t.” She is more important right? Even if I’m busy I still will go anw -.- Yup good news, my grandma will be discharge from the hospital on Monday. Just need to do a few more check up on her...
I was glad to hear that if not my grandma haven recover, I myself already break down...
Alright that’s all,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
9.18pm @ Grandma's house...
Staying over night with my sisters, tmr having lesson @ 9am, Red Hill & Night class @ 8pm, Jurong. The break in between I'll be at the hospital...
Everything seem to be fine, grandma still at the hospital... Few more days she will be discharge from the hospital. Which that's a good news from the doctor...
Well, Just bath finish... going to rest.
4 am, just woke up... going back hospital later.
Super tired, thanks to the fucking NUH’s doctor... wait one report need wait till 11 pm zZz. Recently my grandma just got into ICU, but now she changed to a normal patient room. Wah, I didn’t know that thanks to the H1N1 only 2 people can visit each patient at a time. -.-
I was glad to see my grandma awake when I reached there, she was kind of pale because of the blood thingy, but she was able to speak.
@ 8.30pm we got the first report from the doctor, she was fine in her report but still need to wait for the second report on her blood test @ 11pm, so I went home first because I still having my lesson though. No worry since my auntie and uncle were be there the whole night so anything they will just update me.
Once I reached home I just fell asleep @ my bed super tired, just really hope everything will be fine.
Yup, that’s all... I keep myself update in blogger. Don’t have to worry much about me, I’m fine.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
2.57am going to 3am soon...
This my new schedule,
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.(Morning class)
Having lesson @ dhoby ghaut
Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat.(Night class)
Having ART class @ jurong
Well, today I’m really no mood just received a call from my Sister, my grandma was in the hospital today. I, myself also not clear what actually happen, but it seem to be very serious to me. All I heard from them was her blood couldn’t get through her body... sigh. So I’m going to stay @ hospital most of the time and of course, I got my schedule to follow also. Note* If anything just msg or give me a call, I won’t be able to go online much this few weeks. If happen to see my blog, please pass around msg because not many people know about my blog, well at least not really all.
Ok, don’t worry too much... My grandma not that weak though (:
Yesterday went to school with Alan, LOL Alan cut “BANG” and he look like “Rock lee”(For those who had watched NARUTO should know whose Rock Lee) ahhahas. He look dame cute with that hair style Plus his eye brown thick LOL more cute... I was like O.Olll swt...
After that, Alan plan on skipping English lesson -.-“ LOL... but too bad I had no intention on running away, since only 1 more hour away... So end up, he go off first and that teacher pass me his entire note ARRRRRh... Make my bag even heavier...
Reached home @ 7pm, packed my stuff and went for my ART class. First day, don’t really know what to say because I’m a new student in their class + I’m late for my first day LOL felt weird.... when everyone was looking @ me. But I'm glad that I was able to make some friends over there, well actually I can see that a lot of girls like design courses and so on... Art etc. LOL because most of my classmate are girls -.-“ not really all maybe most of it bah...
That should be all, I’m resting soon... Tmr going visit my grandma and accompany her + having lesson @ night.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
12.48am just woke up.
Super Tired after coming back from Basketball... slept @ 8pm...
Nothing much, later on going to school @ 8am...
Currently watching this drama

-深情密碼 / Shen Qing Mi Ma / Silence
Zhou Shen Shen loses her voice after a bus accident and gets taken to the hospital by her friend Zuo Jun(who blames himself for making her mute) there she meets Qi Wei Yi a boy who leg got broken by jealous peers. He finds a letter she had put in a bomb shelter wall. They leave each other letters and promise to come back in the Christmas of 2006. They become good friends and fall in love but Wei Yi is unaware that Shen Shen is mute. When he has to leave before her, He gives her his phone number and tells her to call him. Years pass and in the year of 2006 they met again but is unaware of who each other is until Wei Yi finds out he has liver cancer and is dying So he decides to go back to the hospital he went to as a child and he finds out that Shen Shen is his childhood love but not wanting to hurt her when he dies he hides his identity and eventually pushes her away.
Well, this drama was intro by my friend a few days ago... Not bad, at lest I like the main girl inside this drama.

박은혜 / Park Eun Hye / 朴恩惠 / Pu En Hui
She's a Korean yet she speak Chinese well... hahas too bad in this drama, she's a girl that unable to speak.
Ok, that's all...
Monday, July 20, 2009
3.13 am. just reached home.
Went out with my 2nd sis to have our supper or should I say my dinner LOL, since I ate alot. hahas
Didn't have much holiday this whole months, super tired though but just going to continue finish up my work and so on...
Currently reading my history as usual, finish most of the part on Protodynastic Period of Egypt. Next would be My ENGLISH homework, done reading all 6 pages...
Ok, I'm going to relax myself... Tmr playing basketball with Sam they all. Everybody was like kind of stress though, O'levels coming out in 2months time so.... Yup, study still have to study can't afford to fail BUT still got to relax yourself right? (:
This few days, alot things happen to me. Well, I don't know who should I speak to actually but seriously was my fault, didn't know all along was "ME" the one you had been talking about. What I had said maybe is abit too much, but after all I just got to say I'm SORRY.
That's all I got to say, going watch my anime don't want think too much.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
6.00am going to bed soon after my short post.

Went to watch "Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince", althought the movie wasn't that nice... because of the talking make me want to sleep -.-"
End up Dumbledore died just like that...
Don't get disappointed after watching it, because there is not much action in it. Well, you still get to know the story though (:
Ok, I'm freaking tired right now~ going to sleep... went out the whole day while I'm still not feeling well... so sorry didn't want to talk much outside just feeling down bah... treat it as MOOD SWING hahas..
Thursday, July 16, 2009
9.45 PM @home.
Just back from Suntec...
This morning went to clinic and collected my medicine, arhh fucking not feeling well. After that went to school for my Geo lesson...
Class finish @ 3pm, meeting Rachel @ city hall MRT station... went to suntec with her shopping and slack around and had our dinner @ Swensen. Woo what a heavy dinner LOL
Tmr not attending Bio lesson, just going rest @ home. Maybe* I'm going out hahhas see first... Super sleepy going sleep soon after bath.
Currently watching, Roseate-Love aka 紫玫瑰 / Zi Mei Gui

After the death of her boyfriend, a musician, Xiao Zi strives to fulfill his dream of becoming a famous singer.
Ok, that's all...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Just Reached home not long...
Today Homework,

Total got 6 printed pages, LOL and Eng teacher was like asking ME to read all... finish up by next Tuesday.
Just now went to SIC with Alan, LOL asking about his course for studying "Law" LOL and the price was 250K hahahs O.o?! but that is for studying in UK... hohoho EX? well, Alan just going to start studying in Singapore first so GOOD LUCK to him...
As for me, LOL I'm waiting my O level to end and get my result so that I can enter NAFA art school Hoho (:
oK I'm tired, yet not sleepy hahaha... Going see doctor soon =X or should I say again? LOL because of the outside weather make me sick -.- Too bad, I'm easy get sick but not easy to die LOL!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This will be a SUPER LONG POST ( I'll try to make it short if possible =X )
-Wednesday, Celebrating with my Sisters & their friends (: ...
Early morning went over to Grandma's house... slack until noon went to K-Box with them @ Suntec City... Although I don't sing in K-Box hahahs Too Bad xD
After that went to Pub with them @ Clarke Quay... Oh and here come my 1st Birthday cake which is for my "Early Birthday Celebration" well having alot of fun though (:
I was drunk back there LOL went home on Thursday MY head was like ARHHHH!!~ super pain.
-Thursday, Celebrating with my Friends etc.
Samuel! I GOT TO SAY YOU OWNED ME THAT DAY... LOL thanks for the fun, though I was so stupid enough that I actually believe them accidentally brought an extra cake for my "Early Birthday Celebration" zZz
Anyone want to know how fun it was to get your face SMACKED by a cake? LOL it hurts alot... don't see it just a cake LOL. My nose was DAME FUCKIN RED on that day arhhh!
Jiaxin they all was like chatting with me half way then they SHOUTED "AHHHHHHHH" -.-"swt I'm the one that got SMACKED ok? LOL why they shouted "ahhhhhh" I also don't know why LOL cute?...
-Friday, REACHED HOME BODY WAS ACHING ... LOL so slept very early.
-Saturday, MY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY (: Just Celebrated with MY SECONDARY FRIENDs (:
Wooot, went to Causeway Point and had our Dinner @ Sakae Sushi... (: after we had finished our dinner, we walked around causeway etc.
Later on we went to buy my cake and went over to Shawn's house to continue the celebration ^^ hahahs

Me & Yu Jie will trying our best to prepare the cake LOL, But it seem to be so hard O.o?
I better not upload the rest of the pictures because I, myself see already also want to laugh LOL, don't know why suddenly I look "weird"... and is not just weird but is SUPER weird in it -.-"

Look @ this two pictures, Spot the differences LOL? Melvin suddenly turn so serious with his face and Isabel was like playing "Pi-Ka-Pu" with the camera LOL...

This is one of the BEST group picture took amount all (: hahhas I like it very much though I still look weird LOL.
Ok, after that I was sleeping @ the sofa lol and they'll like playing Monopoly for like more then an hour LOL, here some of the pictures I took after I woke up hahhas

Everybody was like trying to win each other LOL, it was fun and funny while they'll playing LOL, because they die also don't want sell their so call "house" Hahhahs.
this the reason why they ended up playing more then an hour hahahs... cute?

Yu Jie, play until DRUNK LOL ( He must be thinking of himself in the pool swimming LOL!!! ) Just Kidding =X

This picture was took by Melvin (:, Look @ Shawn... LOL he was very happy with those money in his hand hahhas
Ok, this year I got total of 4 cakes LOL, actually 3. One was smacked on my face hahhas... But THANKS alot EVERYONE as in EVERY SINGLE ONE ^^ for the wishes and presents + of course the FUN CELEBRATION with YOUR. Whether Early wishes or Late Wishes, I'm just gonna say THANKS to you (:
Alright, that's the END of my post LOL long? hahahs sorry =X anw Take Good Care of your own health...
I'm going to rest soon...
Friday, July 10, 2009
5.01pm I'm going get a good REST...
I'll update my blog after tmr my last celebration(: -
As for now JUST reached home not long...
GOING SLEEP anything just SMS/MSN(I just leave it online)/CALL.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
3.28 AM. just reach home.
Ermm.. going for a short post, Wednesday and Thursday wont be able to have the time to go online so... If anything just sms me or wait till Friday alright.
Will be celebrating my Birthday tmr with my sisters, next day will be with my friends... so will be super busy outside (: well I'm kind of tired right now... after bathing, I'm going to bed...
Just went to play pool with Samuel they all. LOL anw I received a few Early Birthday wish and is like not most of the number I know de, -.- well whoever you are... at lest leave ur name there or something, just to say thanks anw (: If not I'll just take it as a prank msg... Sorry~
Ok... Super tired, that's all going bath now.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
10:10 PM not going say much, Upcoming week going to be so COOL hahahs (:
Alright nothing much... just updated my imeem Music.
LINKIN PARK - New Divide 2009 (Transformers Soundtrack)
NICE to me, but not sure about your.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Is 4.33 A.M. not asleep yet hahas...
Currently moving on to Protodynastic Period of Egypt, well I can said that History is fun when you started learning in it... at lest I CAN BET YOU WILL KNOW HOW TRUE IS THIS WORLD or should I just say the world is cover with lies and untold truth?...
Friends have been asking me that, "I'm not tired of reading history? is like... just by looking at those words and more words. You not sian ar?" is true if you keep on reading la, but if you imagine the pass is telling the true then what is "NOW"? is a very interesting subject since my O level is coming, I can read it as in test myself for my Oral exam... hahas. Rather then I stay at home doing nothing, after watching anime and dramas, chatting with friends and going out, I still got alot of Free Time though so find something to do as I already said before (: Once I have interest in it, I just do it for sure. This is the real me, I don't like living in the world that keep KPKB KNN NB whatever... No matter how strong you are, you just a human though, act so pro when you are weak? human are weak! Everybody has his/her weak point... So NO POINT SAYING HOW BIG YOU ARE...
People have been copying the pass history and make it their "OWN HISTORY" which is a fake... no matter how true you are, you just living in the world that is full of lies.
Well, yesterday went to have my dinner with my friends... and I was like trying to complete "Hatsune Miku Project Diva" PSP game... I can't eat in peace because of this game LOL, no matter how hard I tried to get as much point as I can... Still unable to unlock songs. So I'm pissed and end up downloading the Saved game... LOL =X
Buhahahas I'm Going sleep le MISS ME kay?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Woot finally read finish one part of ancient Egypt History ... buahahas, well this whole week going slack at home didn't attend school because I am super LAZY n TIRED lol... sis is so gonna kill me =X hahas.
Next week will be super pack because finally I'm turning 18 LOL, getting old le buhahahs...
Maybe celebrating at pub with my sisters hahahs...
As for friends that side, still not yet confirm where they want to go...
Well, slowly decide bah hahahs
That's all,