Saturday, August 29, 2009
7.40am, currently @ home, going out soon...
today nothing much, just going to cut my hair later on and going out later until evening got to go for my ART class.
Yesterday, MY O'level ORAL was a SUCCESS... LOL*(thought it was very hard but in the end it was easy, just that you must read everything loud and clear that's all).
Ok, currently watching this Kdram acted by LeeHyoRi.

# Title: 사랑한다면 이들처럼 / Perhaps Love
# Also known as: If in them / A Special Promise
# Genre: Romance
# Episodes: 4
# Broadcast network: TV Mnet, SBS
# Broadcast period: 2007-Mar-29 to 2007-Apr-09
# Lee Na (Lee Hyo Ri) is a rising singer who was about to debut but tradegy struck her when she found out she had leukemia. Another girl took her place and sang her debut song at her concert. Now everybody thinks that the other girl is her. Jung Tae (Lee Dong Gun) survived a department store collapse only to find out that he has cancer. Lee Na and Jung Tae meet and fall in love.
Alright, recently I just wrote a song on my own but not exactly I, myself wrote it of course took some idea from the actual song... well, I got nothing better to do so just wrote it for fun *(took me half an hour to do it, so it might be crap you know? hahas) it's from the actual song by BIG BANG - HARU HARU just that I make it into English Version but with some of my own lyric though... don't worry giving on "BAD COMMENT" because I just random made it...
Here the lyric.
Fallen every lies
Finally I realize that I am nothing without you
I knew I was wrong, forgive me
Every time I close my eye
I just can’t stop thinking about you
But I just sit down and tell myself
To be strong
It’s hurt so much knowing that I got to let you go
This is fate I guess we can do nothing more between us
Just say good bye
Sometime I just hope time could just stop
It hurt so much when the day we broke off
I just can’t stop myself from crying
In the end I just need to forget about you
Because of my selfishness
We end up being like this
But if it would be easier if we both never met
Cause then I would have never known you and I’ll be happy now
Instead of me thinking day and night about you
Can’t you see that I’m missing you so much
And knowing that you are gone
Even if I know we will never get back together
But it just hurts so much for now
I hope you’re happy now
As for me I’ll try to live somehow
Forgetting every memories that we had together
Day by Day I just try to let you go
( Oh my girl )
( I cry cry )
( You’re my all )
( Say goodbye )
One day when I was with my friends
I saw you with another guy
And I can’t believe that you can forget about us so fast
And moved on so quickly
When I knew that yesterday we just saying goodbye to each other
All this time you said you Love me was a lie
And now you are hurting me even more
But I still wish you were here with me
And saying that you love me
Can’t you see that I’m missing you so much
And knowing that you are gone
Even if I know we will never get back together
But it just hurts so much for now
I hope you’re happy now
As for me I’ll try to live somehow
Forgetting every memories that we had together
Day by Day I just try to let you go
I’m facing the fact of losing you
( Facing the fact of losing you )
Other then crying whole day being like this
Day by Day I try to forget you
Feeling regret and being even more sad each day
I think I can just let you go by starting the whole new me (baby)~
Can’t you see that I’m missing you so much
And knowing that you are gone
Even if I know we will never get back together
But it just hurts so much for now
I hope you’re happy now
As for me I’ll try to live somehow
Forgetting every memories that we had together
Day by Day I just try to let you go
( Oh my girl )
( I cry cry )
( You’re my all )
( Say goodbye )
( Oh my love )
( Don't lie lie )
( You're my heart )
( Say goodbye )
Monday, August 24, 2009
6.45pm, just got my ass back home...
Tmr having lessons in the morning and night -.-" OMDFG super tired lol, I'm going to rest early today for sure, should be sleeping around 9pm *around there...
Met up with some old friends, haven't been seeing them for around 3 to 4 months already. Thought they totally forgot about me hahas and suddenly gave me a call to go over to one of the friend's house and play, HOHO had alot of fun back there and chat alot about each other... since they only get to see me afew times only and I'm always busy hahas... Thanks for inviting me. I really felt bad when I saw them yesterday, just hope we will still get to contact one another?
Ok, I still need to go back and study... Readers do take care of your ownself.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
12.14am, is already the next...
Ok, I didn't attend morning lessons because I was too sleepy.
First - Around 4 am, I start to hear dogs bucking so loud @ my opposite block...
Second - Around 6am or 7am, My step mother's CHINA friend which had been staying @ my house for more then a year already. Heard that her mum just got pass away and she started crying like a Gorilla... After that my step mother tried to comfort her by saying "Die already also good lo". I was like WTF?! her mother just pass away and you said this? lol I think she just anyhow speak out of words...
After that I was too tired so I didn't bother so much and when to sleep until 4 pm like that woke up, get ready to go for my ART class...
Just now @ ART class teacher gave us a small task and need think of a title, deadline is on 22 Aug 09 which is Saturday... the title I picked was "The World Without Music" well, I think I'm more on the "loner" side bah so... hahs and since I like music so much, maybe I can try think of "one day this world or my life just go without music what will it be like?" etc.
hahs Alright, that's all...
Monday, August 17, 2009
6.57am, going to 7am soon... having breakfast with my friends @ cwp MacDonald later.
Yesterday celebrated my Grandpa and 2nd sis BIRTHDAY (:...
My grandpa got older and older each year... (don't know I should be happy or sad?) but since every year people are getting older so just don't think too much about it.
After that we went over to karaoke and play...
Too bad I couldn't drink too much on that day because I'm having a bad flu and headache, but yeah still mange to have alot of fun with my sisters, some of my cousins and their friends...
Next will be my Grandma Birthday which is on 12 of September... Uncle hosting a karaoke party near jurong there, maybe I'm skipping my Art class on that day since is on Saturday so well...
Oh watched "where got ghost?" by Jack neo on Friday with Samuel they all hahas, SUPER FUNNY because the ghost seriously very lame... LOL

You get to see 3 different stories in it, one of the story was from "Not enough money 2" go watch it, you will laugh like one idiot for sure LOL... You will get to know what is the meaning of (Scared until you LAUGH, LAUGH until you Scared) hahas!
Alright, I should be getting ready by now got to go...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Woke up around 1am and couldn't get back to sleep... but just nice I'm going over to grandma's house later.
Just finish watching K.O.3guo, can't wait for next week episode...

and @ the end of this year, I'm going to get my guitar hahas. Since I have been saving up and waiting to buy one until now...
Oh, 2009 is really a TRAGIC year, having so much problem like eg.( Financial Problem, Swine Flu, Taiwan just happen to have a Typhoon over there recently and alot more... ) but well just hope everyone is fine and also HOPE 2010 will be a good year...
Ok, that's all TAKE CARE.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
11.52pm, I’m dame pissed right now...because I accidentally deleted my previous post!
Ok, I’m just got to repost everything again -.-“...
Recently just finish watching (One Piece – anime) and at the same time I finish my ART work which I’m going to hand in next week...
Oh, this Sunday having buffet @ grandma’s house. Celebrating Grandpa and 2nd sis Birthdays... so I’m going to stay over there on Saturday to help up the next morning... Buffet will start @ 1pm, after that will be going to either Kbox or Party World and play.
Alright, I’m having a bad flu right now (don’t worry is not swine flu) just hope I’ll get well soon, going to bed now so......
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
12.43am @ Home,
Just got back from my friend's house...

Watched "Family Outing" @ his house. It's a Variety, Comedy show and I swear I was laughing my ass out man! DAME FUNNY!!! hahahs
Oh, I'm going to rest for a week. Which means that I'm not going for ANY CLASSES, LESSONS and ART CLASS. Time to take a short break for myself...
Ok, this is a short post because I got other things to do right now.
Monday, August 10, 2009
3.55am @ Home, just came back from Orchard anw...
Watched “G.I. joe” with my Secondary friends, you guys should watch this movie too not bad at least got more action then “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” LOL...

Oh and I just finish watching this K.drama “Shining Inheritance” that my friend intro it to me

Didn’t really have the time to watch this drama until I’m free so it took me a longer time to finish this drama, but it was nice though... you won’t regret after watching it.
Ok, I’m going to rest just hope life would be better...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
9.06 pm @ Home
Busy and more busy plus tmr having classes @ DG omdfg... -.-
Noon @ about 2pm,
Went to play basketball with the usual friends, tired of sleeping LOL so went out for some freash air hahas...
Ok, today I got nothing much to update just going to rest early so...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
12.20 am @ home,
Just reached home, went out and had supper with my old friends from work... well today is Saturday, 2 days holiday going rest @ home and sleep like pig hahas.
Thursday went out with Rachel and Jia xin,
Accompany them the whole day since it has been awhile I’m always busy, so time to relax myself hahas. Jia xin was like telling me that she felt so extra and I was like “come on la, your two just like my sisters LOL?” what’s wrong with that? Lol... She was like giving me the look over there “Sisters?! LOL better don’t let Rachel hear until”.... ya whatever -.-
Oh this my first time I ever tried on Foot Massage LOL, I was like kept laughing and that Rachel~ nice, grabbing my hand? -.- hahhas
After that went to have our dinner, didn’t felt like going home so I went over to Rachel’s house and stayed for a day, don’t worry there was nothing on going between us ok? LOL , Jia xin was like telling me “don’t anyhow arh... hao hao dui ren jia” lao la... Did I do or say something wrong?
Friday, reached home @ noon.
I didn’t know Rachel’s room so nice to sleep... hahas
Once reached home, bath and went out for dinner with my brothers... about 6 pm back home, get my bag and went down to Jurong for my night class.
Aww... I skipped a few classes this week. Alright that should be all, next 2 weeks got two movies to watch “G.I Joe: Rise Of Cobra (2009)” for the 1st week and “Where Got Ghost? (2009)” the 2nd week...